Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Snowy Day

Snow. We tend to lose our love affair with it once we must shovel and drive in it.  The scraping, the sliding, the getting up early to ensure everyone gets where they need to be…. It becomes less magical and more of a hassle. But there was a time when snow meant springing out of bed and turning on the news to see if school was canceled, piling on the layers and playing in it until we could no longer feel our fingers and toes. 

  I haven't completely lost my love. I do enjoy watching it fall when I’m not behind the wheel, preferably in a cabin with a mountain view. I love the stillness it brings. I love how everything looks a little prettier with a layer of fresh snow.  And I guess there’s still a part of me that wants to wake up to three feet  that shuts down town completely and makes the only viable option for the day baking cookies and watching movies.

  Snow is nostalgic. There was a book I remember that I’ve looked for online but cannot find. It’s about a dad and child that go for a walk on a snowy evening. My dad and I would read the book and then go on a walk ourselves. It’s one of those memories that I’m unsure if it just happened once or a dozen times but it obviously made an impression.

  I can't find the book I remember from my childhood to give to Layla, but for Christmas she got  Snowy Day from Grandma Elaine and this week was the perfect week to read it and then go outside and do the same things Peter did in the story. We had a snowball fight, made snow angels and made funny tracks. It’s a great book and one I’m sure we’ll read many snowy days to come.

  And after shedding the snow pants, mittens and hats, we treated our pink cheeks to mugs of hot chocolate and read our book one more time.  And at least for a little while snow was no hassle at all.

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