Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Apples to Oranges

  I will try not to constantly compare my children.
  So far I am off to a rotten start.
  Since the day Cecilia was born it’s been a comparison
free-for-all. From how long the C-section lasted to nostril size to spit up frequency to sleeping habits.  I've come to the conclusion no two babies- no matter how close in genetic makeup- are the same. They may look A LOT alike and both have sweet dispositions -as well as a propensity for cradle cap and diaper rash- but that is where the similarities end.
  Follow this one with a towel folks, she’s a spitter. But also a sleeper. An amazing sleeper. Like sleep from 8pm to 7am with one nighttime feeding either at two or four. Not and four, or four.  I’m not bragging. It has nothing to do with me. I've been in the opposite corner, crying and sleep deprived. Worried somehow I'd kill the snoozing baby on my chest in my sleep. But it was the only way to get any sleep.
  And so there you are, questioning your ability to be a mother. Listening to other moms talk and reading books and articles about sleeping children and what to do early on to ensure it happened. Well, now I know for a fact it’s a bunch of hooey, at least for me. Some babies sleep, others act as the most effective form of birth control for the first three years of their life.  Sorry Layla, your plans to be an only child were foiled.

  Hopefully I haven’t inflicted any permanent damage yet, constantly comparing my two girls. It’s just natural to compare and contrast two wildly different yet amazingly similar experiences that I know will be remembered as two of the most wonderful times of my life.


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